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Achievement Award Nominations

Nominate an exceptional professional, parent, or autistic individual for a 2024 Milestones Achievement Award!

Nominations are closed

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Milestones is proud to recognize individuals who are making a difference in the autism community!

Nominate an exceptional professional, parent, or autistic individual who has gone above and beyond to receive a 2024 Milestones Achievement Award! Honorees will be recognized during the annual conference, being held June 10-11, 2024. We are seeking nominees for the following awards:

Autistic Advocacy & Achievement Award: For an autistic individual who has worked to advocate on behalf of the autism community or achieved excellence in accomplishing personal goals or milestones


Family Tribute Award: For a parent or family member who have gone above and beyond supporting their own loved ones, and have provided or improved support to the autistic community in general


Professional Excellence Award: For a professional who has made an outstanding contribution to improve the lives of autistic individuals.

All award nominations will be reviewed by the selection committee. Award recipients will be notified in the spring of 2024.  Winners will be recognized at the Milestones National Autism Conference on June 10 or 11, and will receive a complimentary conference registration.

You may nominate as many people as you wish. A separate form is required for each nominee. The Milestones Honoree Selection Committee

will select award recipients at its own discretion. Only complete nominations will be considered.

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